Saturday, October 25, 2014

I'm a bald person. October 18, 2014

I'm a bald person! 

So I mean, in Spanish when people tell you that you are bald, they say that you are 'pelon' (pay-loan), and I have heard that a lot this week. So I mean, it’s either because my companion cut my hair to short, or all of Mexico is trying to remind me of some unpaid debt.. Okay bad joke, I know, but it just kind of came to my mind when I wrote how to pronounce 'pelon'. I should do improve.. or maybe not. I wouldn't be very funny. ANYWAY, getting on to why I am bald.. So my companion kind of knows how to cut hair, and so like a month ago, I asked him to cut my hair and he did a pretty good job, but last Saturday night I asked him to cut it, and his hand slipped at one point. And he was using the little buzzer machine thing, so the damage was done, and the consequences followed. It’s really weird, because I forget that my hair is super short but then I walk by a mirror or see my reflection and something and I am reminded. But it’s getting better now.
Actually when president saw my hair, instead of shaking my hand like he usually does, he saluted me, called me lieutenant and walked away haha. 

Anyway, that's my weird beginning paragraph for this letter. This week went pretty well with all of the new missionaries getting to the mission and stuff. I got to be official translator, and so it was fun. We have one of the new missionaries living with us now. He and his trainer were assigned to work in the same ward as us. Hopefully we will see more progress as far as missionary work goes in the ward. It’s fun living with more missionaries though. 

This week we have started working with a newer investigator and when we went to see him, at first it was really weird. Like he was kind of trying to brush us off and didn't want to listen to us anymore, but we just started teaching him anyway, and during the lesson as we read in the Book of Mormon, he stopped us and told us that as we read, we had answered one of the questions that he has always had that no one has answered for him. He recognized that we were guided to be able to do so because he didn't tell us that he had doubts or anything and it ended up being a really great lesson.

 It’s interesting to see how the Spirit works with all of us. How it works in such a way that we may not understand that we are being led. I am not very good at explaining these kinds of things, but I know that we definitely would not be able to do this work without the Lord´s help. He is guiding us to people that have been prepared to receive the gospel, and He helps us to know how to help them. It’s truly a remarkable experience to be here as a missionary. I know the church is true, and that we are led by living prophets of God. The Book of Mormon is proof of it all, and the Holy Ghost bears witness of it. 

I love you guys and hope you are all doing well. I´ll talk to you next week!

Here is a picture of bald Elder Rios with one of the missionaries who just ended his mission. The picture was the day after my companion cut my hair. Its a bit longer now.  

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