Saturday, October 11, 2014

August 25th

So, weird thought, the sister missionaries that started their missions at the same time as me are pretty much done with their missions now.... Tha'ts really strange. I mean it doesn't seem like that long ago that I was in the MTC. And, yeah, time is just flying by. Its weirding me out. I only have like four transfers left. Just strange stuff. Anyway, this week has been good, Elder Narvaez and I have been super busy here. We have a huge area as it is and on top of our area we are still teaching the investigators from my first area, the one that got closed. So yeah, its been pretty great. We have a few investigators that are pretty close to getting baptized but.... we got to get some people married. That means we are going to spend the week trying to get legal documents and stuff so that the couple can get baptized on Saturday. Its pretty awesome though. Its been way fun with my new companion, he is really funny, so there's not many boring moments here. 
Anyway, in other news I, uhm, bought  a king sized hammock. Its in the process of getting made, but I am pretty excited about that. I like hammocks, even though some elders and I nearly broke one last week... theres a video and everything but its too long to send in an email. Its hilarious though. We were kind of using it as a swing and then the thing holding it up just snapped...  I fell onto the mattress that was conveniently placed under the hammock and yeah, I'll show the video sometime. 
Getting onto the more spiritual note, I have been thinking a lot this week about the Book of Mormon and the restoration of the gospel this week. I've been analyzing how easy it was for me to accept these truths because I have learned them since I was young and its been easy for me, but for our investigators its not like that. They are learning new things and changing life long traditions but its truly worth it to follow Christ. Once the Spirit touches their heart, the desire to change and repent is made manifest. I know that the Church was restored by the prophet Joseph Smith and I know that Christ lives and leads His church today. It is a blessing to be a missionary. 
Love you guys. 
Love Elder Rios

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