Monday, June 2, 2014

Well, I mean, whats up? May 26, 2014

Anyway, we have had a pretty good week here in Chichicapa. I can not lie to you guys, I did enjoy it. I mean, it started off with my paying a missionary to eat hot sauce and it ended with one of our new investigators going to church. I mean, what more can you ask for?
So first with the hot sauce thing. So us missionaries frecuent a place that is called the ´Carboncito´. They make some real good tacos there, actually I am pretty sure I sent a picture of the tacos once. Anyway, so they always serve three different kinds of hot sauce, one thats like a guacamole, one thats like a mild type hot sauce and another one thats really just kind of too hot for me. Anyway, all of the elders in our district were there eating when I said, "I would pay somebody 200 pesos to eat a spoonful of this stuff" I was just kind of thinking out loud, but then Elder Flake gladly accepted. It was really funny. We took video of the whole thing. At the beginning of the video he was explaining what it was he was going to do but then he saw that the waitress was coming and he kind of freaked out and said "I think she knows what we´re up to!" and quickly eats the spoonful of salsa. Within seconds he was all red and sweating, but he said it was worth it haha. It was a memorable moment for sure.
Anyway, later in the week we did divisions and I went to work with Elder Smiley. That was pretty great because I got to speak English ALL DAY.  I love english. But yeah, thats about all there is to that part of the week. On Thursday we did some service and after nearly cutting my companions finger off with a shovel (okay, it really wasnt that bad, it was more of a scratch) we had the opportunity to teach a family of five people and it was Awesome. I mean, first they told us a pretty funny story they had heard about Joseph Smith being a Catholic, but after we explained the first vision and everything the spirit was really strong and all of the family committed to praying about what we had taught. 
On saturday, we took an investigator, Sandra, to a baptism. Her little nephew David also went with us. I gotta be honest, the whole time I was worried because there was a kid who kept screaming, but at the end when we talked with Sandra about it she had really liked the baptism, so did David. David told us he wanted to be baptized haha but he only is five so we told him that he would have to wait. But yeah, the next day Sandra went to church and everything and it was just great! I mean, we have had a bit of a dry spell here in Chichicapa, but it looks like we were able to get things going again. The Lord has been truly helping us out here, I can not lie to you guys. This whole mission experience has just been great, and I am experiencing new things every day and the Lord is truly helping me to learn and grow. I love you guys and I hope that you are doing well!
Talk to you next week! I will try to send some photos next week! 
Love Élder Kyle Andrew Ríos

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