Monday, January 27, 2014

Oh man, I have got to let you guys know, I felt like I was back in the US on Sunday. I mean, it was pretty cool. I had the best hamburger I have ever had in Mexico. I mean, I ALMOST felt like it was summer time on Como Lane, and we were chillin while my dad barbecued... but not quite. Anyway, it was a great hamburger. It’s hard to find a good burger on this side of the border, but I found one. Anyway, I just thought I would share that with you. Never take for granted a good burger. I mean, tacos are great, but sometimes you just gotta fall back on an American classic. 

But yeah, like I said, this week was pretty good. I ate a hamburger, I taught English classes, I went to the temple, my companion and I got a cooking crash course from one of the members and I got to preach the gospel. I can´t really ask for more. We get treated really well here in our ward. The bishop is always helping us out. Monday night he set up a family home evening with a less active family, then Thursday he was the one that took us to the temple. Then the members are always the ones that help us to find new investigators and who bring people to church. Right now our little branch that we have here in Chichicapa has had higher church attendance than the other two wards that are in the neighboring city Comalcalco since it got started up about five weeks ago. It’s crazy to see how fast the work is moving along too. I mean, I don´t know if you guys knew this, but when the Lord wants something done it gets done, and fast. We have been having a lot of success here and I can´t say that it’s because of us. The Lord is constantly putting people in our path and it’s been a blessing. We have transfers next week so we might get changed up. I hope that we don’t get transferred, but we will see. 

This last week we had a baptism. The investigator that got baptized is awesome. He’s a butcher, which is pretty cool. But that’s not what I am going to write about. It’s been a really good experiencing teaching him because he always has sincere questions about the gospel, and he did all he could so that he could know the church was true. It’s definitely dedication to the Lord that not a lot of people have. I learn something different from each one of our investigators, and I love being able to see their lives change as they begin to accept the Lord more and more in their lives. At the end of his baptism, Jose was going to offer the closing prayer, but before he did so, he wanted to say a few words, so he started to bare his testimony about all the things that have happened and how his goal now is to be able to go be sealed in the temple with his wife and son. 

I am glad that I was able to help him out but truth is, he was pretty much already ready when my companion and I went to teach him. The Lord had already been working there. 
Anyway, that’s pretty much all I have to throw into this week’s email. But I love you guys and I´m grateful for all your support. Hope all is well!
Love, Elder Rios
D&C 33:16-17
Acts 22:14-16
Phil. 3:13-16

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