Monday, December 9, 2013

Sometimes, I buy food from the street vendors.

So another week has gone by, it kind of just went by really fast. All of my days are just being blurred together. It’s weird. But it’s great. My companion and I are doing great here in our area, here in Chichicapa. It’s just a little place, but we´ve been having a lot of success here. We found out on Sunday that we have enough people to open up a branch closer to our area, which should help us a lot. Because right now, all the members in our area have to pay 14 pesos per person to go to church and with the larger families it’s a bit difficult for them. But, that will change soon. The stake president is more excited about it then we are and we already have plans to have all of the furniture and stuff we need. So all is going well. 

Anyway, so like I said in the subject line, sometimes, I buy food from the street vendors. And it always tastes good. The other day we bought something that I think are called huaraches or something like that, because apparently it’s a food that isn't’t really common in the state where I´m at, but its common where my companion is from, and so we did that, and we´ve also bought tacos, and all of the great stuff. And, they are all delicious ha-ha, I am pretty sure my stomach is accustomed by now to almost all of the stuff here which is top notch. I don’t have to have any fear lingering over me as I eat. And also it’s helped me to be less of a germophobe, or however you spell that. I mean, I wasn´t really all that bad with it at home, but I´m getting better and what not with that. 

This week we found a new investigator. His name is Jonas, and my companion has explained to him like two or three times about Jonas and the whale, even though Jonas (the investigator) already knew who Jonas (the prophet) was. Anyway, Jonas got into a motorcycle accident about a month ago. He and his friend ran into a bus on the motorcycle. His friend almost lost the ability to walk but Jonas just received a few scratches somehow. Anyway, since then, Jonas decided that he was going to change his life. He stopped hanging out with some of his friends that were bad influences on him and went to church with Hernan (the kid I talked about last time) and his family. Anyway, he is really intelligent and wants to learn more about the gospel. It kind of just made me think about the different things people have to go through to be prepared to learn more about the gospel, and come to know their Father in Heaven. 

The last thing that happened this week was that we went to the temple in Villahermosa.

 That was awesome. I had forgotten about how peaceful it is in there, and even just being there I felt the Lord telling me something’s that I had needed to hear. I know that the temple is the house of the Lord, and I want nothing more than to be sealed with my family there one day. And for those who haven’t had the opportunity to go, I encourage you guys to do all you can to prepare yourself to one day enter there. 
Anyway, that’s about it. But here is a scripture for you guys Romans 8:31-39

Love you guys! 
Love, Elder Rios

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