Monday, July 7, 2014

June 30, 2014 Independence week

So, Friday is really just getting close guys. I mean, my companion and I already found an american flag to go take a picture by and we decided that we are going to go eat hamburgers with some of the other elders. Its gonna be sweet. I gotta admit, I have become more patriotic here in Mexico. I just love the United States. On Saturday we had a Zone Conference with President Morales, and so he was looking through all of our planners to see if we are using them effectively and so he started leafing through mine and after like two seconds he says "Graffiti" and just hands me my planner back, so I looked through to see what he was talking about and he had looked on the page for July 4th which I had written on just a bit. I will throw a picture in for you guys to see.
This week has gone pretty well. I learned something incredibly obvious: that  you can make toast on a frying pan. I mean, its really simple but I hadn´t ever thought about it. Anyway, I am a little wiser now. On Tuesday we did divisions and I was with Elder Nisbet for the day. That was pretty fun. I really am just down with having American companions. I speak a whole lot of English, and Spanish too. And then there's some spanglish that always gets thrown in but its just all great. Anyway, I feel bad because I have hardly taken any pictures in this area.
I gotta get some of the house to send you guys and my companion and I havent taken a picture on my camera yet so I dont have one to send you guys.. Well I will try to acquire one right here in the little computer place though. 
Yesterday we had a really cool experience. We went to teach an investigator named Miriam who has a baptism date for the 19th of July. We taught her about the plan of salvation and she really liked it. Anyway, she had not yet prayed to know if the Book of Mormon is true so we did something I had never done before. I got the impression to invite her to pray and ask right in front of us, and while she said the prayer I was kind of doing my own little mini prayer and pleading the Lord to help her feel the truthfulness through the Holy Ghost, and after a few seconds the Lord just told me pretty much that I need to calm down and trust that He would do His part. So after the prayer I looked up and Miriams face was just beaming. She had a huge smile on her face and I asked her how she had felt during her prayer and she told us that she had received her answer and that an overwhelming feeling of peace just came over her and she just knew. It was a remarkable experience and I know that its not anything that we could have taught, its only something that is made known through the Holy Ghost. I know that the Book of Mormon contains the Word of God, and that Joseph Smith was the prophet of the Lord called to restore the Gospel over the earth. I used to think that was just a cliché mormon saying when they passed to give their testimonies, but now I know with a certainty that it is true, and that that knowledge is to be shared. I am grateful for the oportunity to be here as a missionary. Its fun, its hard, its a definite learning experience,  and I know that its where the Lord would have me be. 
Love you guys, hope all is well. Love, Elder Rios
2 Nephi 2:5-8

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