Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Sat November 29, 2014 I did it!

So I mean, I don't know if anyone remembers but at the beginning of my mission I discovered that my last name (Rios) should have an accent (RĂ­os). I mean, that's just how it is, English robbed me of my birthright. But after quite a time, I was able to get a name tag with the accent in my name. I feel accomplished.

 Anyway, this week has been really awesome. We have been working with a new video that the church just released called He Is The Gift (http://www.mormon.org/christmas) and it has been pretty cool. We have a little portable dvd player and we use it to teach people. You guys should all go watch the video, its really cool. President had me make another video with it and we are going to start showing it in some of the Churches to try to find more investigators. I had never made a video before really but it turned out really good. Well, I mean, I think so at least, I am going to show it to President Morales tomorrow so we will see how it goes! 

This week was really awesome! Monday and Tuesday we were super busy with the new missionaries that got here to the mission so I didn't actually change companions until Wednesday and out of the few lessons that we have been able to teach together they have been really great! I am really excited for the rest of this transfer I know it will be a successful one! I know that this is the Lord´s work, and that its necessary that we look to Him to know how to do the things He has asked of us. Without revelation, we would be lost. Revelation has always been fundamental in God´s plan and its marvelous to know that He communicates with His children and tells us the things we must do. I know He is my Father, and I love Him. I love serving Him, and even though I may not understand all things, I know that all that He does is for my benefit, and all that He has me do is to help me learn and grow. 
I love you guys and I hope all is well! 

Here's a picture of my name tag and my companion and I took a quick picture... so there ya go!

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